rqalpha.portfolio.account 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from itertools import chain
from datetime import date
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union, Tuple

import six
from rqalpha.environment import Environment
from rqalpha.core.events import EVENT
from rqalpha.model.order import Order, OrderStyle
from rqalpha.model.trade import Trade
from rqalpha.utils.class_helper import deprecated_property
from rqalpha.utils.functools import lru_cache
from rqalpha.utils.i18n import gettext as _
from rqalpha.utils.logger import user_system_log
from rqalpha.portfolio.position import Position, PositionProxyDict

OrderApiType = Callable[[str, Union[int, float], OrderStyle, bool], List[Order]]

class AccountMeta(type):
    def __new__(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
        cls = type.__new__(mcs, *args, **kwargs)
        cls._margin = cls.margin
        cls.margin = property(lambda s: 0)  # black magic: improve performance for pure stock strategy
        return cls

[文档]class Account(metaclass=AccountMeta): """ 账户,多种持仓和现金的集合。 不同品种的合约持仓可能归属于不同的账户,如股票、转债、场内基金、ETF 期权归属于股票账户,期货、期货期权归属于期货账户 """ __abandon_properties__ = [ "holding_pnl", "realized_pnl", "dividend_receivable", ] def __init__( self, account_type: str, total_cash: float, init_positions: Dict[str, Tuple[int, Optional[float]]], financing_rate: float ): self._type = account_type self._total_cash = total_cash # 包含保证金的总资金 self._env = Environment.get_instance() self._positions: Dict[str, Dict[POSITION_DIRECTION, Position]] = {} self._backward_trade_set = set() self._frozen_cash = 0 self._pending_deposit_withdraw: List[Tuple[date, float]] = [] self._cash_liabilities = 0 # 现金负债 self.register_event() self._management_fee_calculator_func = lambda account, rate: account.total_value * rate self._management_fee_rate = 0.0 self._management_fees = 0.0 # 融资利率/年 self._financing_rate = financing_rate for order_book_id, (init_quantity, init_price) in init_positions.items(): position_direction = POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG if init_quantity > 0 else POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT self._get_or_create_pos(order_book_id, position_direction, init_quantity, init_price) def __repr__(self): positions_repr = {} for order_book_id, positions in self._positions.items(): for direction, position in positions.items(): if position.quantity != 0: positions_repr.setdefault(order_book_id, {})[direction.value] = position.quantity return "Account(cash={}, total_value={}, positions={})".format( self.cash, self.total_value, positions_repr ) def register_event(self): event_bus = self._env.event_bus event_bus.add_listener( EVENT.TRADE, lambda e: self.apply_trade(e.trade, e.order) if e.account == self else None ) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.ORDER_PENDING_NEW, self._on_order_pending_new) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.ORDER_CREATION_REJECT, self._on_order_unsolicited_update) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.ORDER_UNSOLICITED_UPDATE, self._on_order_unsolicited_update) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.ORDER_CANCELLATION_PASS, self._on_order_unsolicited_update) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.PRE_BEFORE_TRADING, self._on_before_trading) event_bus.add_listener(EVENT.SETTLEMENT, self._on_settlement) event_bus.prepend_listener(EVENT.BAR, self._on_bar) event_bus.prepend_listener(EVENT.TICK, self._on_tick) def get_state(self): return { 'positions': { order_book_id: { POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG: positions[POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG].get_state(), POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT: positions[POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT].get_state() } for order_book_id, positions in self._positions.items() }, 'frozen_cash': self._frozen_cash, "total_cash": self._total_cash, 'backward_trade_set': list(self._backward_trade_set), } def set_state(self, state): self._frozen_cash = state['frozen_cash'] self._backward_trade_set = set(state['backward_trade_set']) self._total_cash = state["total_cash"] self._positions.clear() for order_book_id, positions_state in state['positions'].items(): for direction in POSITION_DIRECTION: position = self._get_or_create_pos(order_book_id, direction) if direction in positions_state.keys(): position.set_state(positions_state[direction]) else: position.set_state(positions_state[direction.lower()]) def fast_forward(self, orders=None, trades=None): if trades: close_trades = [] # 先处理开仓 for trade in trades: if trade.exec_id in self._backward_trade_set: continue if trade.position_effect == POSITION_EFFECT.OPEN: self.apply_trade(trade) else: close_trades.append(trade) # 后处理平仓 for trade in close_trades: self.apply_trade(trade) # 计算 Frozen Cash if orders: self._frozen_cash = sum( order.unfilled_quantity * order.quantity / order.init_frozen_cash for order in orders if order.is_active())
[文档] def get_positions(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Position] """ 获取所有持仓对象列表, """ for position in self._iter_pos(): if position.quantity == 0 and position.equity == 0: continue yield position
[文档] def get_position(self, order_book_id: str, direction: POSITION_DIRECTION = POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG) -> Position: """ 获取某个标的的持仓对象 :param order_book_id: 标的编号 :param direction: 持仓方向 """ try: return self._positions[order_book_id][direction] except KeyError: return Position(order_book_id, direction)
def calc_close_today_amount(self, order_book_id, trade_amount, position_direction, position_effect): return self._get_or_create_pos(order_book_id, position_direction).calc_close_today_amount(trade_amount, position_effect) @property def type(self): return self._type @property @lru_cache(None) def positions(self): return PositionProxyDict(self._positions) @property def frozen_cash(self): # type: () -> float """ 冻结资金 """ return self._frozen_cash @property def cash(self): # type: () -> float """ 可用资金 """ return self._total_cash - self.margin - self._frozen_cash @property def market_value(self): # type: () -> float """ [float] 市值 """ return sum(p.market_value * (1 if p.direction == POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG else -1) for p in self._iter_pos()) @property def transaction_cost(self): # type: () -> float """ 总费用 """ return sum(p.transaction_cost for p in self._iter_pos()) @property def cash_liabilities(self): # type: () -> float """ 现金负债 """ return self._cash_liabilities @property def cash_liabilities_interest(self): # type: () -> float """ 现金负债当日的利息 """ return self._cash_liabilities * self._financing_rate / DAYS_CNT.DAYS_A_YEAR @property def margin(self) -> float: """ 总保证金 """ return sum(getattr(p, "margin", 0) for p in self._iter_pos()) @property def buy_margin(self): # type: () -> float """ 多方向保证金 """ return sum(getattr(p, "margin", 0) for p in self._iter_pos(POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG)) @property def sell_margin(self): # type: () -> float """ 空方向保证金 """ return sum(getattr(p, "margin", 0) for p in self._iter_pos(POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT)) @property def daily_pnl(self): # type: () -> float """ 当日盈亏 """ return self.trading_pnl + self.position_pnl - self.transaction_cost - self.cash_liabilities_interest @property def position_equity(self): # type: () -> float """ 持仓总权益 """ return sum(p.equity for p in self._iter_pos()) @property def total_value(self) -> float: """ 账户总权益 """ total_value = self._total_cash + self.position_equity - self.cash_liabilities - self.cash_liabilities_interest if self._pending_deposit_withdraw: total_value += sum(amount for _, amount in self._pending_deposit_withdraw) return total_value @property def total_cash(self): # type: () -> float """ 账户总资金 """ return self._total_cash - self.margin @property def position_pnl(self): # type: () -> float """ 昨仓盈亏 """ return sum(p.position_pnl for p in self._iter_pos()) @property def trading_pnl(self): # type: () -> float """ 交易盈亏 """ return sum(p.trading_pnl for p in self._iter_pos()) def _on_before_trading(self, _): for order_book_id, positions in list(self._positions.items()): if all(p.quantity == 0 and p.equity == 0 for p in six.itervalues(positions)): del self._positions[order_book_id] trading_date = self._env.trading_dt.date() while self._pending_deposit_withdraw and self._pending_deposit_withdraw[0][0].date() <= trading_date: _, amount = self._pending_deposit_withdraw.pop(0) self._total_cash += amount for position in self._iter_pos(): self._total_cash += position.before_trading(trading_date) # 负债自增利息 if self._cash_liabilities > 0: self._cash_liabilities += self.cash_liabilities_interest def _on_settlement(self, event): trading_date = self._env.trading_dt.date() for order_book_id, positions in list(self._positions.items()): for position in six.itervalues(positions): delta_cash = position.settlement(trading_date) self._total_cash += delta_cash self._backward_trade_set.clear() fee = self._management_fee() self._management_fees += fee self._total_cash -= fee # 如果 total_value <= 0 则认为已爆仓,清空仓位,资金归0 forced_liquidation = self._env.config.base.forced_liquidation if self.total_value <= 0 and forced_liquidation: if self._positions: user_system_log.warn(_("Trigger Forced Liquidation, current total_value is 0")) self._positions.clear() self._total_cash = 0 def _on_order_pending_new(self, event): if event.account != self: return order = event.order order.set_frozen_cash(self._frozen_cash_of_order(order)) self._frozen_cash += order.init_frozen_cash def _on_order_unsolicited_update(self, event): if event.account != self: return order = event.order if order.filled_quantity != 0: self._frozen_cash -= order.unfilled_quantity / order.quantity * order.init_frozen_cash else: self._frozen_cash -= order.init_frozen_cash def apply_trade(self, trade, order=None): # type: (Trade, Optional[Order]) -> None if trade.exec_id in self._backward_trade_set: return order_book_id = trade.order_book_id if order and trade.position_effect != POSITION_EFFECT.MATCH: if trade.last_quantity != order.quantity: self._frozen_cash -= trade.last_quantity / order.quantity * order.init_frozen_cash else: self._frozen_cash -= order.init_frozen_cash if trade.position_effect == POSITION_EFFECT.MATCH: delta_cash = self._get_or_create_pos( order_book_id, POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG ).apply_trade(trade) + self._get_or_create_pos( order_book_id, POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT ).apply_trade(trade) self._total_cash += delta_cash else: delta_cash = self._get_or_create_pos(order_book_id, trade.position_direction).apply_trade(trade) self._total_cash += delta_cash self._backward_trade_set.add(trade.exec_id) def _iter_pos(self, direction=None): # type: (Optional[POSITION_DIRECTION]) -> Iterable[Position] if direction: return (p[direction] for p in six.itervalues(self._positions)) else: return chain(*[six.itervalues(p) for p in six.itervalues(self._positions)]) def _get_or_create_pos( self, order_book_id: str, direction: Union[POSITION_DIRECTION, str], init_quantity: float = 0, init_price : Optional[float] = None ) -> Position: if order_book_id not in self._positions: if direction == POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG: long_quantity, short_quantity = init_quantity, 0 else: long_quantity, short_quantity = 0, init_quantity positions = self._positions.setdefault(order_book_id, { POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG: Position(order_book_id, POSITION_DIRECTION.LONG, long_quantity, init_price), POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT: Position(order_book_id, POSITION_DIRECTION.SHORT, short_quantity, init_price) }) if not init_price: last_price = self._env.get_last_price(order_book_id) for p in positions.values(): p.update_last_price(last_price) if hasattr(positions[direction], "margin") and hasattr(self.__class__, "_margin"): # black magic: improve performance for pure stock strategy setattr(self.__class__, "margin", self.__class__._margin) del self.__class__._margin else: positions = self._positions[order_book_id] return positions[direction] def _on_tick(self, event): tick = event.tick try: positions = self._positions[tick.order_book_id] except KeyError: return for position in positions.values(): position.update_last_price(tick.last) def _on_bar(self, _): for order_book_id, positions in self._positions.items(): price = self._env.get_last_price(order_book_id) if price == price: for position in six.itervalues(positions): position.update_last_price(price) def _frozen_cash_of_order(self, order): if order.position_effect == POSITION_EFFECT.OPEN: instrument = self._env.data_proxy.instrument(order.order_book_id) order_cost = instrument.calc_cash_occupation(order.frozen_price, order.quantity, order.position_direction) else: order_cost = 0 return order_cost + self._env.get_order_transaction_cost(order) def _management_fee(self): # type: () -> float """计算账户管理费用""" if self._management_fee_rate == 0: return 0 fee = self._management_fee_calculator_func(self, self._management_fee_rate) return fee
[文档] def register_management_fee_calculator(self, calculator): # type: (Callable[[Account, float], float]) -> None """ 设置管理费用计算逻辑 该方法需要传入一个函数 .. code-block:: python def management_fee_calculator(account, rate): return len(account.positions) * rate def init(context): context.portfolio.accounts["STOCK"].set_management_fee_calculator(management_fee_calculator) """ self._management_fee_calculator_func = calculator
[文档] def set_management_fee_rate(self, rate): # type: (float) -> None """管理费用计算费率""" self._management_fee_rate = rate
@property def management_fees(self): # type: () -> float """该账户的管理费用总计""" return self._management_fees
[文档] def deposit_withdraw(self, amount: float, receiving_days: int = 0): """出入金""" if (amount < 0) and (self.cash < amount * -1): raise ValueError(_('insufficient cash, current {}, target withdrawal {}').format(self._total_cash, amount)) if receiving_days >= 1: receiving_date = self._env.data_proxy.get_next_trading_date(self._env.trading_dt.date(), n=receiving_days) self._pending_deposit_withdraw.append((receiving_date, amount)) self._pending_deposit_withdraw.sort(key=lambda i: i[0]) else: self._total_cash += amount
[文档] def finance_repay(self, amount): """ 融资还款 """ if self.type == DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_TYPE.STOCK: if amount > 0: # 融资 self._cash_liabilities += amount self._total_cash += amount elif amount < 0: # 还款 amount *= -1 if amount > self.cash: user_system_log.warn(_('insufficient cash, current {}, target withdrawal {}').format(self.cash, amount)) # 预防还多了 excess = min(0, self._cash_liabilities - amount) if excess < 0: user_system_log.warn("repay amount is greater than cash liabilities") self._cash_liabilities = max(0, self._cash_liabilities - amount) self._total_cash -= amount + excess else: pass else: user_system_log.warn(f"{self.type} not support finance_repay")
holding_pnl = deprecated_property("holding_pnl", "position_pnl") realized_pnl = deprecated_property("realized_pnl", "trading_pnl") equity = deprecated_property("equity", "position_equity")